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Sustainability in the business context, as well termed Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) refers to sustainable business practices and corporates’ responsibility for their impacts on society (European Commission 2011). This includes a broad range of economic, environmental, social, and governance aspects: safeguarding the potential for long-term maintenance of profitability, fair business practices, responsible use of natural resources, respect for social rights.

The world’s major global challenges have been defined by the United Nations’ Agenda 2030 such as e.g. climate change, loss of natural resources & biodiversity, water scarcity, social structures which do not foster equal opportunities but grow grow inequalities regarding livelihoods, access to health and education. These factors constitute severe risks for societies and economies.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been developed as a global framework to tackle the most pressing challenges on the way to a sustainable future. Companies as main drivers of innovation, creators of jobs and growth, play a central role in achieving environmental and societal goals.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) therefore aims at integrating relevant environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues in business strategies and organizational development, maximizing positive value contribution to society and minimizing negative externalities. The World Business Council for Sustainable Development estimates market opportunities for business to be worth at least 12 trillion US Dollar per year by 2030*

*Source: WBCSD:

ESG Reporting & -Ratings

Demand of accountable ESG-data has been growing significantly, regulators and standard-setters have been raising the bar particularly with regard to disclosure requirements. Investors especially focus on risks and opportunities by ESG topics for business performance and economies. ESG ratings like MSCI, ISS ESG, Sustainalytics have gained momentum and influence. Analysts increasingly concentrate on publicly available ESG-data - relevant information should be easy to find, well structured and fit for analysts’ needs.


Stakeholder analysis: most important stakeholder groups

ESG-Ratings: (peer) analysis, integration of relevant ESG information covered by ratings such as MSCI, ISS ESG, Sustainalytics in corporate communications & reporting

Strategy development: stakeholder analysis, definition of targets, KPIs and action fields

ESG-reporting: project management and -support, non-financial reporting based on existing standards and frameworks (NFRD, GRI, SASB, UN Global Compact, Sustainability Code)

Social topics:

  • leadership culture and human resources management
  • diversity & equal opportunities
  • health & wellbeing
  • knowledge & expertise
  • digital enablement
  • corporate citizenship: corporate volunteering & donations

Supporting strategic planning, execution and communication of projects.

Impact reporting for non-profit organizations and social enterprises based on the social reporting standard (SRS)

ESG communication: (gap) analysis status quo ESG communication based on capital market requirements i.e. standard setters, ratings

Future of Work

The ongoing transformation of the working environment due to global trends like e.g. digitization and demographic change is challenging companies and their workforce in terms of innovative power, resilience, digital enablement, resilience. I am authorized to advise and accompany organizations within the economic development scheme unternehmensWert.mensch of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. Action fields:

  • leadership culture and human resources management
  • diversity & equal opportunities
  • health & wellbeing
  • knowledge & expertise
  • digital enablement


Psychische Gesundheit als Tabuthema in der Arbeitswelt

Analyse der DAX 30 und Leitfaden für die Unternehmensberichterstattung

Nicole Susann Roschker
SpringerGabler 2013

Psychische Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt

Soziale und ökonomische Relevanz für Gesellschaft und Unternehmen

Nicole Susann Roschker
SpringerGabler 2014

Psychische Gesundheit in der Arbeitswelt: Ein Tabuthema?

Unternehmen in Deutschland gehen mit dem Thema Mitarbeitergesundheit unterschiedlich um | Erste systematische Studie zur Qualität der Berichterstattung der DAX 30 bei Springer Gabler erschienen.

Pressemitteilung, Berlin | Heidelberg | Wiesbaden, 03.09.2013

"Nur gesunde Unternehmen sind langfristig profitabel und innnovationsfähig"

Interview mit SpringerAutorin Nicole Roschker

Onlineartikel vom 03.09.2013



  • ESG reporting based on global standards & frameworks (GRI, UN Global Compact); project management: coordination of internal & external stakeholders and service providers; copywriting

Industry: Consulting


  • Peer- & GAP-analysis ESG rating performance

Industry: Pharma & Health Care

Impact Reporting

  • Concept & project management first impact report based on SDGs and Social Reporting Standard (SRI)

Charitable foundation

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